Monday 6 January 2014

Windy Little Christmas Eve

As some may know, the 6th of January is known as Little Christmas. I've learned that this is also the day in which the Three Wise Men came bearing gifts to the baby Jesus. Not to mention, the Twelfth Day of Christmas from the song of the same name.
However, it's not Little Christmas - yet. This is the story of our Little Christmas Eve...

The people were nestled all snug in their beds, while visions of something I'm sure were dancing in their heads. When about three in the morning what should my tired ears hear, but a whomp, whomp and the van was a rockin'. Oh no! Get up! Get dressed! And outside we flew. For the awning was flapping and about to give way in a new found wind storm that had come up in the night.
Quick! Get the lights and the shade tarp off the hooks! Get the arms unhooked off the side of the van and put in their place. Start cranking I cried as I held onto the now unsupported awning. I had visions of it being whipped around the roof of the van like I've read so many stories about. But we got it in and everything put away out of harms way quick as a wink (ok, about 15 minutes). We tried to be good, we tried to be quiet. But the neighbours awoke as they tend to sleep light. 
So, back to bed we all went knowing everything was now safe from the wind and all was alright. 

So, with the day starting off like that, it was bound to be interesting. But I'm still sick and suffering from this cold and cough and my body worn out, I actually managed to sleep in and get some well needed rest.
Once everyone was up and about and had a bit of breakfast, we decided we needed a few supplies and a trip to Costco was wanted. But that was in El Centro, about an hour away. So we got ready to go and we needed a trip to the garbage bin also, so rolled it all into one.
We dropped by Costco, Target and a 99¢ Store for various supplies and last minute Little Christmas gifts for tomorrow. This was a good little 99¢ store with lots of useful stuff - even a real grocery section in the back.

You see, we didn't all get to spend Christmas together, with one of us down at the Slabs before the rest of us were due New Years Eve, so we decided we'd postpone Christmas until later when we're all together. So, I suggested we have it on Little Christmas, the 6th of January. So, that's what we're doing. I hope it will be a nice day. It's been hot during the day and the awning was sorely missed today as the hot sun beat on the side of the van. But it was too windy. Tomorrow hopefully it'll come back out.
A nice quiet evening at the campfire, which had been put to sleep before we got back, but we worked hard to revive it in time for some relaxing before bedtime.
So, Merry Little Christmas Eve! It'll be a busy day tomorrow. Goodnight!

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