Saturday 18 January 2014

Do You Know the Way to San Jose?

Well, we're on the road again. This time though is a bit sad as we say farewell to our friends at the Slabs and make our way home to go back to work next week.
Around these parts 'work' is a bad four letter word. So is 'snow'. Most people are retired or are snowbirds who are done with both 'bad' words. 
So, it took awhile to get things all packed up and the heat was bearing down on us and unfortunately no shade as the shade had to be put away first. I needed to go do tanks once more, so while one of us had more packing todo than the rest, I was able to go do another dump and fill run and get back in plenty of time for her to finish up and say our goodbyes. 
Our caravan got all connected with two way radios so all three of us could communicate on the road and proceeded to pull out. 
We headed up 111 and had a beautiful view of the sun on the Salton Sea as we passed by. I didn't get any pictures this time as I've been there before and have some from that trip.

We stopped at the Coachella TA rest stop for fuel (cars and people) and had an early dinner at the Country Pride Restaurant. It was pretty quiet there as you can see. There were others when we got there but they'd left before we were done. 

I had a nutritional stir fry with chicken but it was pretty salty for my taste so I'll likely end up drinking massive amounts of water before we stop for the night. 

Our caravan pulled into Lebec at 11pm and reached our destination for the night. 
The BDV says it's 42°F out and it's quite windy also at 12mph according to my iPhone. 
We're all pretty tired so it's off to bed for some rest. We've got more driving to do tomorrow. 
Nighty Night!

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