Monday 6 January 2014

Little Christmas

So, after taking down the awning and shade screen I had set up for us and the van the other day because of the wind, we roasted yesterday with no protection. It was windy enough all day that I couldn't put things back snd also, we  were gone most of the day to El Centro. It's never a good idea to leave an awning up while away from camp for an extended time as you never know when a strong breeze is going to kick up that can wrap the awning around the roof. So anyways, today was the day to get it all set up again so we could stay cool in the hot sun.
I also decided to finally nail down the ground tarp, which should have been done on day one but wasn't. So, after all that exercise, it was time to get to work making goodies for our Little Christmas celebration.

I started out with my Desert Peppermint Squares which needed to be refrigerated for at least an hour before enjoying. They were in the fridge most of the day, so good and chilled by the time dinner and dessert came along,

While doing this, one of our friends, Chili Bob brought over to our camp 6 leg quarters of chicken which is part of a program called "commodity distribution" down here for people who can't afford enough food. These were surplus and there seemed to be enough to go around. So, we'll be having chicken tonight for our dinner.  Sometimes surprises just land on the doorstep and we just need to deal with them. This was a most pleasant one.
I sent one of our camp mates on a grocery run while I was re-setting up our front shade. We needed ice, too, so it was a most beneficial outing.
I was in charge of desserts, so I made my traditional Five Minute Fudge and Marshmallow Fruit Salad, both of which are big hits at pot luck parties this time of year. My original plan was to make the marshmallow stuff for the next potluck here, but it turns out there isn't any coming up, so it was a good time to make it now and just share it. I made up seven bowls and brought them over to the campfire for everyone to enjoy. A bowl of the salad and a piece of fresh warm fudge for everyone. Ooh's and Ahh's of thank you's from the recipients meant it was much appreciated and well liked.

We got the leftovers and there was plenty enough for us what with all we had to eat. Our camp mate Mountain Kimmie was in charge of the chicken and did a wonderful job as you can see (and as usual).

After our Little Christmas dinner, we had the marshmallow salad and the peppermint squares shown above for a bit of dessert before presents.
Here is the setup for our Little Chrismas display with the presents waiting underneath.

We opened the presents and all got something we could enjoy and some more sweets for the occasion. I had a mound of dirty dishes from making desserts earlier, and I needed to free up space to go to bed. I didn't get a picture of our stuff, so I'll do that tomorrow and post a pic.

A very nice Little Christmas was had by all. Good food, good friends and good fun.
Now, to all a good night. :-)

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