Tuesday 31 December 2013

A Warm Welcome to the Slabs

A warm campfire welcome for the first evening at Slab City. 

Two Rivers Rest Stop

My favourite rest area. Feels like I'm home again. 
A fill of the water tank and jugs and garbage disposal starts the camp time off right. 

A Mixed Start

The day today starts off mixed. A healthy breakfast consisting of eggs, sausage, whole wheat toast, oranges and grapefruit at the Ontario TA was very good and hit the spot. That should last most of the day. This was a good start to the day. Also, being up when the sun is up helps get an early start.  
Last night while driving on the 210 not too far from here, Vanessa tells Lou she needs a transmission service. What??? She just had one before this trip. Exactly one week ago today in fact. So, we can't continue until we get someone to look at her and see what's wrong. 
So, we're off to the Volvo dealership, which is the only place not shut down for Christmas and New Years.  A phone call ahead confirms they will be able to look at her as soon as we can get there. It's only four miles away or so. Hope we make it. More later. 
Waiting in the service area for Vanessa to see the Volvo Doc. 

On The Road Again

Well, just like the song says, I'm on the road again. 
We just pulled into the Ontario TA and we're pooped. The eyelids were getting droopy and it was time for some well needed rest. 
It's been a hectic time getting everything ready to go plus we're both feeling under the weather. I've got a sore throat now and it hurts to talk. After a night of rest, I probably won't be able to talk at all in the morning.  
Anyways, time for bed. More later. 

Monday 30 December 2013

Thursday 26 December 2013

So, here I am.

So, here I am. Been on the net for years and I'm only just now creating a blog. What took me so long? I don't know. Perhaps it's because my life is really not that interesting. I have had no need to share a mostly boring life with the world. However, now that I have broken down and created a blog, does that mean my life gets more interesting? I doubt it. In some ways, my boring life is just fine, while in other ways, it could stand to be a little more interesting. I like reading other people's blogs and they have way more interesting lives and things to share than I do. But on the other hand, too much 'interesting' can be too much to handle. There are interesting things in my life, don't get me wrong. I also go out and do interesting things now and then. It's just not every day, that's all.
So, here I am. I don't know what I'll post about, but this is a start. Maybe once I figure out what's worthwhile in my life to blog about, I'll change the name to something more meaningful.  If anyone has any tips they can offer, I'd be grateful for the advice.
Like 'How many blogs does one person have or need?' 'Do you have a blog for different subjects or aspects of your life?'
Anyways, so here I am. Right now I'm on vacation. Interesting things typically happen when on vacation, so I think this is a good time to start my blog.
Welcome to My Noname Blog - for now. :-)